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Community Outreach

In the 21st century, Glover's Marblehead Regiment and other groups like ours are responding to a growing national need for educating and inspiring Americans about our national heritage.

Each year, we make dozens of appearances at local schools. The Regiment has developed a Colonial Life seminar, which has been presented as a part of the Explorer's Program at Salem State College. In Marblehead, we perform local ceremonies to mark the birth and death of John Glover. We also work with the Veterans of Foreign Wars to commemorate Memorial Day and Veterans Day.


Every December, we offer citizens of Marblehead a living reminder of our predecessors' achievement at the Battle of Trenton on Christmas Eve in 1776. We man our longboat and row to the middle of Marblehead Harbor where we fire a blunderbuss salute from our boat, and then row to the opposite shore of Marblehead Harbor and return.


In July, we stage a full Colonial encampment on the outcropping of land that is Marblehead's Fort Sewall, a military installation that dates from the 1660s. For three days and two evenings, we give demonstrations, tours, shanty-sings and kids' activities for as many as 2,000 visitors.

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